Interreg MED

Interreg MED

Interreg MED

La seconda call dell’INTERREG MED Programme è aperta. Si chiuderà il 31 Marzo 2017 alle ore 12:00 (Paris time).

The Interreg MED Programme is pleased to inform you that the first call for Modular projects of the programming period 2014-2020 is now open to programme priority axes 1, 2 and 3.

Two different types of project are open:

  • SINGLE-MODULE: open for testing (M2) and capitalising (M3) modules only
    Multi-module projects M2+M3 will not be accepted for this call.
  • INTEGRATED PROJECTS : studying (M1) + testing (M2) + capitalising (M3)
    Integrated projects have to include all these modules.


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